WE ARE: Family Owned & Operated
Homeland Creamery is family owned and operated by the Bowmans.
" We are six and seventh generation farmers who have raised and milked dairy cows on the same homestead for nearly three quarters of a century. In the earlier days, our grandfathers’ family started selling “barnyard milk” from a half-dozen dairy cows that were milked by hand. Today, we partner with our longtime friends from Wright Farms in Franklinville, NC, Gerringer Farms in Gibsonville, NC, and Langley Farms in Staley, NC to provide our customers with the same high quality, local milk. Wright, Gerringer, and Langley share the same farming practices and ethics as Homeland Creamery. We are proud to work with local dairy farms and consider them family. The cows are our family too; we take pride in the care and management of the herd producing our milk!”

WHY: Vat Pasteurized
The most unique quality to our products is method in which we pasteurize. Most milk today is pasteurized under the HTST (High Temperature Short Time) Pasteurization method. Under this method, milk is pasteurized at 161 degrees for 15 seconds. This method allows milk plants to pasteurize more milk in a shorter period of time.
At Homeland Creamery, we know that you can’t rush flavor. Vat Pasteurization is one of the earlier methods used in cooking milk. This method heats the milk in batches at a lower temperature for about 30 minutes. During this method, a high percentage of the milk's natural enzymes and beneficial bacteria is retained which adds to the flavor and health benefits of the milk.

WE ARE: A Sustainable Farm
Our Natural Approach to Farming helps You! Being sustainable means the way we farm helps protect our cows and the environment.
- We use manure as natural fertilizer on our fields which makes happy crops.
- We practice no till soil conservation which means that we don’t till or plow the soil to eliminate weeds when we prepare our fields for sowing. (This no till process helps with soil erosion and water runoff, improves wildlife habitat, and helps reduce greenhouse gases and fuel use.)
- Because we spread manure on our fields, it attracts earthworms and other earth moving insects which do the cultivating for us.
- We also reuse water from our creamery to wash our milking parlor.